1 Sept 2009

9 months later

The fact that I am blogging again means that I am returning back to some kind of mental stability and have a little time to myself after going through nine months of physical and emotional turmoil! The newest addition to the family has plonked herself on my lap and is one of the most beautiful bundles of babyness that I have ever been blessed with. Just to recap I have one 13 year old daughter and have now been given a cute little human being to nurture and love once again.
Loving every minute of it and hating the lack of minutes I have in my life to do everything else!
My life flipped inside out for a while and now I am recuperating and prioritising my baby's life to fit into mine, well actually I think it would be right to say for my life to fit into hers!

Her entrance into the world was a shy one however her feisty nature is evolving and her whimpers have turned into screams.
Loving her more each day, falling crazily in love with her every second. I felt a void and now that she is here, she has filled the space and blessed me with good things
Loving you "Ayanah"
- mama -